Sports Dollars Podcast was founded by Brett Gerber. I grew up in a small town in northwest Indiana, and have been a sports fanatic since I was a toddler. I grew up playing sports and being from Indiana, basketball was a huge part of my life. Sports was always my main focus and had all of my attention. Since sports played such a big role in my life, I have decided to make a career out of it. I am currently enrolled at Troy University in Alabama studying Sports Management online. I am looking forward to the relationships I will form throughout this podcast and the knowledge I will gain about sports as a business for my future career.
I created Sports Dollars Podcast because being a sports fanatic, I always want to know what is going on in sports and what is happening behind the scenes. The Sports Dollars Podcast is where I will be interviewing professionals in the sports industry about marketing, financials, contracts, management, and much more. I will dig into their job and what they do, their career and what got them to their position, their sports past, and what sports taught them that they still use in their career. Yes, this will be about money and sports as a business, but I also want it to be about so much more. I want it to be about people, career lessons, life lessons, and hopefully be motivational.
When I am not working or studying, I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter. I also enjoy playing golf & basketball, going to the gym, and watching anything sports.